Friday, 27 April 2012

The Engineering Saga- III: Arrival at the College!

I was on cloud nine while coming to college to start my first semester or what we call a freshman’s year. It wasn’t the first time I was overjoyed to go to a new place. It happened to me every time. Every time I changed school or institute I used to get excited about the new place. The same thing was materialising then. 

Saturday, 7 January 2012

The Engineering Saga-II


mixed up with career choice

I marveled whole night, why there is so much fuss about engineering. I was bushed. I couldn’t find the answer.
I wished Mr. Vidhu Vinod Chopra had made his film “3 Idiots” in 2008, at the time of my admission in engineering college. I would have shown that movie to my parents and would have pursued my dream happily(?).

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